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发表于 2003-12-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
每日英语:为何美人有“美”报 Why beautiful people will be handsomely rewarded
10 月31 日
为何美人有“美”报 Why beautiful people will be handsomely rewarded

Given the speed with which American fashions travel, we should all soon be receiving invitations to plastic surgery \"coming out\" parties.

优秀表现公司(Great Performances)的董事总经理罗尼•戴维斯(Ronnie Davis)上周对《纽约时报》(The New York Times)的记者说,他已在纽约、洛杉矶、达拉斯和密歇(地点未对外公布)组织了整形术后晚会。Great Performance是一家聚会策划公司,总部位于美国曼哈顿。
Ronnie Davis, managing director of Great Performances, a Manhattan-based party planning company, told The New York Times last week that he had organised post-operative plastic surgery parties in New York, Los Angeles, Dallas and an undisclosed location in Michigan.

据《纽约时报》报道,300人聚集在长岛,观看了10名年龄从16到60多岁不等的女人在T形台上的表演,她们向公众展示了自己整形后的面容和身体部位。美国整形外科学会(American Society of Plastic Surgeons)会长詹姆士•韦尔斯(James Wells)说:“过去,我们常常会让整容者从后门进来,而且他们还用假名,”而现在,“人们希望告诉朋友自己整过容”。
The newspaper reported that in Long Island 300 people turned up to watch 10 women, aged from 16 to 60-plus, walk down a catwalk, showing off their new faces and body parts. \"We used to sneak people in the back door with fake names,\" James Wells, president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, said. Now, \"they want to announce it to their friends\".

Those of us who have never consulted a plastic surgeon, much less attended a coming out party, are probably doing ourselves a disservice. Academic studies have established that good looks are the key to success.

英国保守党领袖伊恩•邓肯•史密斯(Iain Duncan Smith)极想保住自己的位子。评论员说,他的缺点之一就是秃顶。目前人们广泛认为,只有长满头发的人才能成为美国总统或英国首相。这或许可以解释,为什么在竞选总统或首相时,我的名字从未被提起过。
Iain Duncan Smith, the Conservative party leader, is desperately clinging to his job. One of his defects, according to commentators, is that he is bald. It is now widely held that only someone with a full head of hair can become US president or British prime minister, which is possibly why, when these jobs fall vacant, my name is never mentioned.

法国总是与众不同。雅克•希拉克(Jacques Chirac) 和弗郎索瓦•密特朗(Fran鏾is Mitterrand)两位总统都是头发稀疏。十年前,德州大学(University of Texas)的丹尼尔•汉默麦希(Daniel Hamermesh)和密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)的杰夫•毕德尔(Jeff Biddle)指出,不同文化对美会产生非常不同的看法。*
France, as ever, is different. Jacques Chirac is thin on top, as was Fran鏾is Mitterrand. A decade ago, Daniel Hamermesh of the University of Texas and Jeff Biddle of Michigan State University noted that notions of beauty differed widely between cultures.*

\"Hugely distended lower lips are considered attractive by Ubangi men; women\'s bound feet by Manchu dynasty men,\" the writers said. Standards of beauty also changed within cultures. \"Today\'s ideal lean western male would have been viewed as potentially or actually consumptive and a bad match in both marriage and labour markets in 19th-century America.\"

However, at any time, they wrote, there was widespread agreement on beauty within cultures. When researchers asked respondents to rank the appearance of people, they found a high degree of consensus. While perceptions of what was beautiful changed, they did so slowly.

The writers examined three labour market surveys, two US and one Canadian. The interviewers were told not only to ask respondents about their jobs but also to rate their looks on a five-point scale, ranging from \"homely\" to \"strikingly handsome\". Putting the data together, the writers found that people\'s looks substantially affected what they earned. \"lain people earn less than people of average looks, who earn less than the good-looking.\"

Now, whose looks do you think mattered more in the workplace: men\'s or women\'s? Wrong. Men\'s. The 1993 research found that the penalty for being plain was bigger for men than for women - and so was the premium for being good-looking. Men with below average looks were paid 10 per cent less; the handsome earned a premium of 5 per cent. For women, the penalty for bad looks was only 5 per cent; the premium for good looks was 4 per cent.

这些研究结果的问题在于:它和我们在电视和杂志封面上看到的情况不一样。如果不带过多个人主观因素去评判的话,有许多成功男人,并不属于“帅呆了的”那一类。比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)的好朋友们会认为他是个美男子吗?沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的好朋友们又会怎么认为呢?
The problem with these findings is that they are at variance with what we see on our television screens and magazine covers. There are plenty of successful men who, without being too personal about it, are not in the \"strikingly handsome\" category. Would Bill Gates\'s best friends describe him as a beauty? Would Warren Buffett\'s?

You may say that as these two founded their organisations, they could look as they wished. That is true, but there are men who have scrambled to the top of long-established companies without the advantages of some of their better-looking peers.

杰克•韦尔奇(Jack Welch)在自传中谈及他第一次离婚后的生活时说:“单身而且有钱,就像是身高六英尺四而且头发浓密,”言下之意就是承认,金钱弥补了他的秃顶和个子矮。但是,这两个缺点并未阻碍他成为企业领袖(也未阻碍漂亮女士对他的逢迎)。
In his autobiography, Jack Welch talks of life after his first divorce. \"Being single and having money was like standing six feet four with a full head of hair,\" he says, implicitly acknowledging that money compensated for the absence of the other two characteristics. But that did not stop him getting to the top (or being fawned over by attractive women).

Look, on the other hand, at Fortune magazine\'s recent cover story on the world\'s 50 most powerful businesswomen. While they vary in looks, the women are almost all well-groomed and well-dressed. The research may show that women suffer less than men for not looking good; these women clearly do not believe it.

那么谁对呢?全球最成功的50位商界女性,还是10年前的研究?可能两者都对。在更近期的一篇论文中,埃默里大学(Emory University)的佩吉•李(Peggy Lee)和弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)的埃丽卡•海斯•詹姆斯(Erika Hayes James)考察了高层管理人员的任命对公司股价所产生的影响。她们发现,相对任命男性首席执行官来说,市场对任命女性首席执行官的反应显然要消极得多。**
So who is right? The world\'s 50 most successful businesswomen or the 10-year old research? Possibly both. In a more recent paper, Peggy Lee of Emory University and Erika Hayes James of the University of Virginia examined the effect of executive appointments on share prices. They found the market responded significantly more negatively to the appointment of female chief executives than to male ones.**

Below chief executive level, however, the market was less bothered. It treated appointments to positions such as chief operating officer equally, regardless of whether the new holder was male or female.

\"Essentially, the market does not differentiate between men and women in senior leadership roles until one reaches the CEO position, suggesting the glass ceiling has been raised, albeit not entirely eliminated,\" the writers say. They suggest that as the appointment of women chief executives becomes less of a novelty, they may be subjected to less scrutiny. The market already reacts less negatively to women promoted to chief executive from within their organisations.

Putting the two pieces of research together, we can conclude that while it may matter less what women look like lower down in the organisation, those at the top still have to try harder. Real progress will be when female chief executives can walk around looking like scruffs.

*Beauty and the Labour Market. www.nber.org/papers/w4518.pdf

**She\'-e-os: Gender Effects and Stock Price Reactions. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstractid=427083

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