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[[原创地带]] Soliloquy

发表于 2006-6-5 09:41:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Bus Uncle, as the film is commonly known, has been viewed nearly 1.7 million
times on the video Web site Youtube.com, spawning spoofs and new slang drawn
from the ranting subject's emotionally charged soliloquy.



美联社的报道分别用了scold(谩骂)、react strongly(猛烈反攻)、explode(勃然大怒喝道),
还用了一个本来甚文雅的名词 — soliloquy。



\"I don't know you. You don't know me. Why do you do this?\" the infuriated bus rider
says, punctuating the sentence by jabbing his right hand downward in the air.

When the young man, who rarely talks back during the lengthy argument, expresses
an unwillingness to continue the conversation, the middle-aged man explodes, \"This
is not resolved! This is not resolved! This is not resolved!\".

He goes on to say, \"I face pressure. You face pressure. Why did you provoke me?\"



Grumpy Man Is Internet Hit
Video of grumpy Hong Kong man scolding fellow bus rider becomes Internet hit

HONG KONG, May. 25, 2006
By MIN LEE AP Entertainment Writer

(AP) A six-minute film showing a grumpy man scolding a fellow Hong Kong bus rider
for interrupting his phone call has become one of the most popular videos online.

\"Bus Uncle,\" as the film is commonly known, has been viewed nearly 1.7 million
times on the video Web site Youtube.com _ the second most-viewed video on the site
in May as of Thursday _ spawning spoofs and new slang drawn from the ranting
subject's emotionally charged soliloquy.

The grainy film was apparently recorded using a mobile phone.

The film starts out when the protagonist, a middle-aged man, reacts strongly when
a young man sitting behind him taps his shoulder to ask him to keep his voice down
while talking on the phone.

\"I don't know you. You don't know me. Why do you do this?\" the infuriated bus rider
says, punctuating the sentence by jabbing his right hand downward in the air.

When the young man, who rarely talks back during the lengthy argument, expresses an
unwillingness to continue the conversation, the middle-aged man explodes, \"This is
not resolved! This is not resolved! This is not resolved!\" _ which has now become a
catch phrase in Hong Kong.

He goes on to say, \"I face pressure. You face pressure. Why did you provoke me?\"

In another twist, just when the dispute seems to have ended after the young man
apologizes and the two shake hands, the young man takes issue with profanity used
by the middle-aged man, who then launches into another round of profanities.

The video has inspired numerous spoofs, including a karaoke version and a rap song
using the middle-aged man's refrain, \"I face pressure. You face pressure.\" Internet
users have also added Chinese and English subtitles to the dialogue, which is in

It still isn't clear who shot the film and it isn't certain if the film was staged
or not. The middle-aged man hasn't been identified, but a man claiming to be the
victim of the verbal abuse has been interviewed on Hong Kong's Commercial Radio.

\"Why did I just sit there? I paid to be on the bus. You don't think I would get
off the bus and waste my money, do you?\" said the man, identified only as Alvin.

Youtube.com is a Web site that allows users to post videos for sharing. The site
ranks the videos by the number of times they have been watched.

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发表于 2006-6-5 19:21:04 | 显示全部楼层

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