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[[原创地带]] A Hill-like Pyramid or a Pyramid-like Hill?(最近一篇习作,欢迎大家批评指正)

发表于 2006-11-30 23:31:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A Hill-like Pyramid or a Pyramid-like Hill?

Introduction: If someone asks you if you can distinguish a pyramid and a hill, maybe you will think the question is a kid stuff. Though they are a bit similar, the difference between them is too obvious. But the judge isn’t always true. From “the hill-like pyramid” hypothesis was brought forward, a year and a half passed by, the argument seems to be more complex. Especially affording for thought, is that the cause for choosing “a hill-like pyramid” or “a pyramid-like hill” has transcended the domain of pure academic archaeology, come down to political, economic and cultural factors.
The work of external excavation on Visoko hill, intermitted last month for the winter’s coming, but the pertinent dispute is still going on. The small hill located in the heart of Bosnia, about 20miles northeast to Sarajevo, is regarded as a huge pyramid by Semir Osmanagic, a Bosnian American amateur archaeologist. Last year he established a team named with APBPS (Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun) to testify his opinion. There is a website report and support the team’s work.
Which things has Osmanagic found to prove his surprising words? Firstly, he paid attention to the unusual quadrilateral base and four same triangle-shaped sides of the hill. He doesn’t believe the nature can make such geometrical hill body. Secondly, he and his team unearthed large cut stone slabs on a side of the hill. But at that time Osmanagic only said the hill was reshaped by ancient people, who coated the hill with layer of primitive concrete. Finally, they found a long paved causeway and underground tunnels. Now, Osmanagic claims that the whole hill is made of man-made stone.

To speak impartially, the outer shape, the inner structure and the material of the object are all very close to a pyramid. But there are severe flaws in Osmanagic’s theory. He hasn’t found any direct human relic except some architecture material and a few footprints, and can’t find the basic corresponding between the “pyramid” and the civilization which created it. He presumes the pyramid’s builders are Illyrian, an old tribe once lived in Balkan Peninsula. But when and how did they build it, and for what purpose? According to Philip Coppens, Osmanagic said the pyramid was built between 1000 BC and 25,000 BC. That’s a too extensive time span. Many media reported this time as 12,000 BC. Some famous archaeologists criticized the estimation, for Illyrian then were in Paleolithic stage, they didn’t have the ability to build a pyramid of 220-meters high.
Some experts argue against Osmanagic’s theory from the angle of specialty, while some experts oppugn his motivation and quality.  Osmanagic is a Bosnian American businessman and invest 16,000 euros for the project, perhaps he wanted to earn more money back, but this issue hasn’t logical bearing on the judgment of the hill’s property. Though not having received specialty training, Osmanagic has abundant experiences about fieldwork. Schilemann hadn’t been to college to learn archaeologist, but he discovered the relic and treasure of Troy. Interestingly, the Egypt experts tend to support Osmanagic, they have more sentiment with pyramids, and if the hill is really a pyramid, more comparison work can be done.
Most Bosnians agree with Osmanagic’s opinion. They are hopeful that pyramids will be found.  Long term of war, poverty of living impel people in this country seeking more national self-pride. If the hill is identified to be a huge pyramid symbolizes brilliant ancient civilization, they will feel glory. The attitude was expressed by a volunteer of APBPS:
He wrote on website:
“I am here now for 3 days, working as volunteer at the North side of the Pyramid of the Sun. I am having a very good time, and am very convinced it is definitely a manmade pyramid. I have also visited most of the other sites, and they are very convincing for an ancient unknown civilisation.”
Of course, there are some people don’t care if the object is pyramid or hill, they consider that the city of Visoko, even the whole Bosnia become more famous than before through the activity, then more foreigner will come here for touring and bring more business opportunities.  
The Bosnian government also encourages Osmanagic’s project, as he said, “It is very interesting that for the first time in a long period, Bosnian politicians on all political levels have united to give support for this project.” The project has the political function of solidifying people.
The media also play an important role in the process. They make the event a piece of worldwide news, but some reports are inconsistent with the facts, for example, “No pyramids are known in Europe, and there is no evidence any ancient civilization there ever attempted to build one.” As Philip Coppens pointed out, there are pyramids in France and Greece, and some of them are as old as the pyramids in Egypt. But the pyramids in Egypt and America usually dwarf the European’s pyramids in size. In Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of English language, the pyramids in ancient Egypt and pre-Columbian Central America are described, but no pyramids in Europe are mentioned. Perhaps many European feel their ancient civilization is not as sophisticated as those of Egypt and America. Discovering huge pyramids is a kind of cultural impulse in their heart. Some people always want to find a real sign of European “pyramid age”.
Several months ago, another European pyramid was found in Ukraine, it seems that few people doubt if it should be called “pyramid”. Its age and function have been confirmed through much remnant of mankind, archaeologists classify it with the Aztec and Mayan ziggurats in South America. It’s old enough (old than the pyramids in Egypt by about 300 years), but still “not big enough”. Seeking and arguing are continuing.

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