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发表于 2003-12-14 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
每日英语—欧洲经济不用布朗说三道四Brown has nothing to teach the eurozone economies


欧洲经济不用布朗说三道四 Brown has nothing to teach the eurozone economies

英国财政大臣戈登•布朗(Gorden Brown)上周对欧元区经济横加指责。他在英国的《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph)上撰文写道,欧洲人僵硬、不灵活,在解决经济问题方面无能,而且只知道忙于协调各国间的税率。《每日电讯报》对欧洲总体上持怀疑态度。
Gordon Brown, the chancellor, last week put the boot into the economy of the eurozone. Europeans were rigid and inflexible, unable to solve their economic problems and obsessed with harmonising tax rates, he wrote in Britain\'s Eurosceptic Daily Telegraph.

Considering the publication in which Mr Brown chose to express his thoughts, this was not intended as helpful advice to fellow European finance ministers. This was clearly about domestic politics. But even judged purely on what he had to say - as opposed to why he said it - Mr Brown was wrong on every substantive point he made.

There are many reasons for despair about the eurozone economy: weak political leadership, declining productivity growth, questionable rules governing the conduct of fiscal and monetary policy, and the common agricultural policy. It is also true that the UK has enjoyed strong economic growth and monetary and fiscal stability over the past 11 years. But it would be wrong to conclude that the UK has a stronger and more flexible economy than continental Europe. The UK still lags behind Germany and France on the main comparative measure of economic performance: output per capita.

The eurozone has a problem with low economic growth but it is not uncompetitive. Last year, it had a current account surplus of 1.1 per cent of gross domestic product. Germany overtook the US as the world\'s largest exporter. The UK, meanwhile, had a current account deficit of 0.8 per cent.

The UK scores marginally better on employment, but the difference is not as large as the respective national unemployment figures suggest. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the employment rate was 69.9 per cent of the working-age population in Germany and 71.8 per cent in the UK in 2002.

The claim that the UK economy is ahead of the others is simply wrong. But even if UK output were to surpass that of France and Germany in the future, it is far from clear whether the eurozone should emulate the UK, as Mr Brown suggested.

What works in one country may not work in another. Public preferences differ, as does the degree of centralisation in fiscal policy or structure of the labour force or the financial sector. The experiences of any particular country are even less applicable to a monetary union.

An example is the UK\'s fiscal policy framework, in particular the so-called \"golden rule\", which restricts government borrowing to finance investments. The rule is applied over the economic cycle. It has worked well in the UK but would be the wrong instrument of fiscal policy management in the eurozone. It requires agreement on what constitutes current spending and investment and a clear idea about the economy\'s position in the economic cycle. Try this in a newly created monetary union with 12 members, each with different national accounting standards.

Mr Brown\'s assertion that the European Central Bank has cut interest rates only four times since 2001, while the Bank of England has done so seven times, is bizarre. What he did not say was that nominal interest rates are almost twice as high in the UK. There is a similar gap in real rates.

It is true the Bank of England reacts faster than the ECB. But the UK is a different economy. Take, for example, the market for housing finance. In the UK, most mortgages are taken out at a variable rate. In the eurozone, most are based on a fixed rate.

Successful economic management is not a beauty contest. It is not about who has cut interest rates how many times but about creating growth in a stable macroeconomic environment.

The eurozone is an economy in deep structural difficulty. But there are also a number of unresolved economic problems in the UK: a property bubble about to burst, failing public services and serious educational and skills shortages. The British government may have carried out more economic reforms than others in Europe. But for Mr Brown to point a finger at the UK\'s continental partners is neither helpful nor, in this case, justified.

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